
art & design 22

contents – Date of Publishing: 2021

Jane Venis - Trying to Give Art a Sporting Chance
Michael D Cooke - How’re Things? Some Observations about Things, Non – Things and Serial Things
Rachel Hope Allan - Not Just Another Shinjuku Love Hotel
Leoni Schmidt - Ambiguous Intervention at Mocenigo: Brigitte Niedermair
Charlotte Parallel - Off The Ground
Bridie Lonie - Complexity and Entanglement in Exhibiting Climate Change
Lesley Brook - A Sense of Entanglement: Artworks Contributing to Connectedness
Henry Greenslade, Pam McKinlay - A Tale of Two Sensors: Air Quality Indicator
Pam McKinlay, Simon Cox, Sarah Shackleton, Abigail Smith, Katherine Steeds, Daphne Lee, Zoe Henderson, Vivien Dwyer, Mathew Vanner, Adam Martin, Christine Keller - Report: “Earth: Caught in Stone” Art+Science Exhibition
Pam McKinlay - Report: Overview: “Earth: Caught in Stone” Art+Science Exhibition, 15-22 May 2021, Dunedin Community Gallery
Sarah Shackleton, Simon Cox - Report: “Earth: Caught in Stone” 2 - Türangawaewae
Abigail Smith, Katherine Steeds - Report: “Earth: Caught in Stone” 3- Small Dreams of Grandeur
Daphne Lee, Zoe Henderson, Vivien Dwyer - Report: “Earth: Caught in Stone” 4 - Cosy Dell – Rocky Shore – Inland Sea
Pam McKinlay, Mathew Vanner - Report: “Earth: Caught in Stone” 5 - A Petrified Sampler: Forest Timelines Caught in Stone
Christine Keller, Adam Martin - Report: “Earth: Caught in Stone” 6 - Wool Weaves and Rock Fabrics
Moira White, Margo Barton, Jane Malthus - Together: The Collaborative Curatorial Practices of a Museum Curator, Dress Historian and Fashion Design Educator
Andrew Last, CLINK Collective 2021 - ClinkProject7: Viralarticle
Caro McCaw, Megan Brasell-Jones, Angela Lyon, Denise Narciso - Design Futures – A Symposium that Connected Graduates and Alumni Around the Future of Work
Denise Narciso, Lucy Richardson - Local Narrative in Type Design – A Student Project in Ötepoti / Dunedin
Mark Baskett - On the Echinate Question of What Might be Meant by the Term ‘Research’ When Evaluating and Discussing Visual Art
Edward Hanfling - The ‘Ethical Turn’ in Contemporary Art as Research
Inge Andrew - Pictorial Narrative and the Journey of Change for Men at Stopping Violence Dunedin
Coral Broughton - Hidden in Plain Sight: The Double Standard of Aging
Thomas Lord - screams like home: A Photobook Project
Peter Belton - Four Poems about Painters and One About an Extraordinary Sculptor
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