
Learning and Teaching 13

contents – Date of Publishing: 2024

Trish Chaplin-Cheyne - Challenge and Inspire
John Mumford - Making Connections: Reflections on Teaching the Basic Principles of Computer Networking With a Renewed Appreciation of Pōwhiri
David Woodward, Alexa Forbes, Shannon Booth, Elise Allen, Clare Morton, Mawera Karetai - Pākehā Facilitators Explore Journeys Into Māori Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Practice
Willfred Greyling - Investigating the Impact of Pathways Awarua on Waikato Trades Academy Learners’ Reading Competence
Marianne Cherrington, Tavish Sehgal, Margo Ballesta - Student Ideation: A Process for Contextualising Sustainable Practice
John Mumford - The Power of Reflection in IT Project Management: Reflections on Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap for Pre-Degree Students
Amy Benians, Terri Brian - VARK is a Four-Letter Word: Abandoning Unimodal Approaches in Favour of Multimodality When Designing for Learning
Josie Crawley, Amy Simons - Teaching Strategies That Celebrate Narrative Pedagogy
Chloe McMenamin, Kristie E Cameron - The Use of Digital Tools for Learning by Neurotypical and Neurodiverse Animal Science Students
Stella Lange, Rachel van Gorp - Neurodiversity in Tertiary Education – What We Know and What We Do
Rachel Byars - Learning From Others in the Neurodiverse Space – Reflection on Practice
Rebecca Gilbertson, Tania Allan Ross - Executive Functioning: What it Is and Why it Matters
Victoria Beckwith - Neurodiversity-Affirming Approaches: Discovering Inspiration and Intersections Within ‘10 Habits for Phenomenal Educators'
Marianne Cherrington - Future-Focused Organisations and Neurodiverse Learners
Elizabeth Youard, Lizzy Guest, Carolyn Wilson, Mary Cooper - Neurodiversity in Vocational Education: Observations and Learnings From Teaching Healthcare Assistant Programmes
Nicolina Newcombe - The Role of Tertiary Education in Our Lives as Autistic Students | Ākonga
Rachael Wiltshire, Joanne Lawless, Rebekah Corlett, Timothy Folkema, Luella Wheeler - Developing and Disseminating Guides for Tertiary Educators on Autistic Learners’ Needs in Aotearoa New Zealand: Reflections and Recommendations
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