
Health & Wellbeing 2


contents – Date of Publishing: 2017

Jean Ross - Uniqueness of place as defined by it’s interactions
Jenny Aimers - Place and space within community development in Aotearoa New Zealand: A theoretical discussion
Jean Ross - Place’ is more than a physical location: A broader engagement of ‘Place’ to futher understand nursing practice
Stephanie Revell - Walk and talk therapy: Potential client perceptions
James Sunderland - A place of belonging: Reflections on being a member of the Taieri Blokes Shed
Alexa Andrew - The role on a cafe on the premises of an aged care facility in facilitating meaningful occupation for residents and their friends and family
Josie Crawley - Narrative exploration of the letterbox: A portal to learning about home
Anna Askerud - Hospital at home: Optimising disease management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
James Sunderland, Dave Speden - The virtual school gate: Storypark an online meeting place for families, teachers, and therapist
Laurie Mahoney - When home is not a place of safety
Linda Robertson, Beatrice Hale - Biculturalism: A foot in both camps
Mary Butler, Fenja Jones, Susan E. Ryan - Professional cultures: New Zealand occupational therapists experience of an international internship
Suzie Bartlett - Mental health simulation model: A place for learning in a New Zealand context
Josie Crawley, Jean Ross - A place for simulation in primary health care nursing education: What does it look like?
Jean Ross - Place-based rural primary health care nursing practice: A study set in rural Otago, New Zealand