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Tīrou, is the figurative waka as the publication and the articles within the publication move the waka sideways or in different directions but align to the kaupapa and purpose.

Chief Editor: Scott Klenner

Scott Klenner is Tumuaki: Rakahau Māori at Otago Polytechnic Ltd | Te Kura Matatini ki Otago. He has been working as an educator since 1998, initially in the tertiary sector. He entered primary teaching in 2002, later completing an MA in Education. Scott has been a syndicate leader, Dean and Deputy Principal in primary education. Scott is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Otago. His research interests include Māori education, dialogic teaching, student agency and gifted and talented education.




We wish to acknowledge with gratitude everyone who has contributed to the journal Scope: Kaupapa Kāi Tahu, which has been published biannually since 2011. Under the guidance of the Kaitohutohu we have changed the name of the journal to reflect the aim of reaching out to kairangahau Māori across the motu. As such, we warmly welcome expressions of interest for Scope: Tīrou to be launched in 2025.

Scope: Tīrou will seek to provide a platform for new and emerging kairangahau to publish on topics of importance to hapū, iwi, Māori and to our communities. Each issue attends to a broad theme.

Maintaining our collaboration between the journal and symposia this year’s theme is Tino Rangatiratanga, mirroring the theme from the 2022 symposium. Under the banner of Tino Rangatiratanga presenters at the 2022 symposium spoke on a range of local and national Māori research interest areas. We look forward to collaborating with you and providing an avenue to publish your research.

Please send your EOI in the first instance to or by the end of November. Calls for Papers will close 230 April, 2025.