
Kaupapa Kai Tahu 6

contents – Date of Publishing: 2021

Scott Klenner - Editorial
Mere Kepa - Community Pest Control Areas 2018-29: Takahiwai Hills and Forest, Takahiwai, Te Tai Tokerau
Ariana Sutton - Tiwai
Mere Kepa, Benjamin Pittman, Marcus Williams , Peter Bruce-Iri - Whakaora Nga Whenua Whāma: Utilising Mātauranga Māori and Western Science to Protect and Restore th
Fiona Cram, Tepora Emery, Zack Makoare, Kathleen Morrison, Morehu Munro, Lisa Pohatu, Nihera Pohatu, Tk Pohatu, Beverly Te Huia,   Violet Aydon-Pou - Poipoia Te Kākano, Kia Puāwai: Nurturing the Seed of Community-based Māori Housing Research
Hermione McCallum-Haire, Rihi Te Nana , Joanne Gallagher - Hihiko O Mangarautawhiri: Power Sovereignty for a Prosperous Whānau and Hapū
Kim Penetito, Jenny Lee-Morgan, Ngahuia Eruera - Manaakitanga: A Marae Response to COVID-19 
Stacey Gullen-Reynolds   - The Place of Kaitiakitaka within the Healthcare System for Māori Whānau Fighting Life-Threatening Illnesses
Lesley Brook, Karole Hogarth - Māori Rural Nurses’ Stories and their Connections to Communities: A Thematic Analysis
Jenny Lee-Morgan, Jen Martin, Jo Mane, Eruera Lee-Morgan   - Puni Reo Poitarawhiti: Playing in Te Reo Māori
Matiu Payne  - E Haere Mai Rā Taku Taniwha, E Moe, E Oki, E Haere Atu Rā. Transitioning Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer for Taniwha and Kaitiaki Narratives within Horomaka Hapū  of Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe me Waitaha Hoki.
Kelli Te Maihāroa, Griffin Manawaroa Leonard, Tonga Karena - Optimal Learning Conditions for Masters and Doctor of Professional Practice Māori Learners
Tonga Karena, Kelli Te Maihāroa, Griffin Leonard - Ko Te Mouri O Te Mahi Te Mouri O Te Ora
Charmaine Tukua, Niki Hannan - Ko Te Haruru O Ruaumoko - Whakaara Mai I Te Pūehu: Stories of Teaching Through The 2011 Christchurch Earthquakes
Rachel Dibble - When the River Wakes
- Colophon