
Health and Wellbeing 4

contents – Date of Publishing: 2019

Fiona Doolan-Noble - Guest Editorial
Hope Robson - I’m finding you slowly
Interview by Jean Ross - Rural Community Practice: An Interview with Alun Roberts
Jean Ross - Rural Communities
Keith Whiddon - Maintaining the Health of a Rural Community by Working Towards Resilience and Sustainability
Daphne Page - Conflicting Conceptions of Place between Civil Society and Council Actors Involved in Local-level Food Policy Development: The Cases of Devon and Bath, UK
Jocelyn Helm, Mary Butler - ‘Going the Extra Mile’ for Clients in a Rural Community: Reflection on an Ethical Issue Faced on Fieldwork Placement
Tania Smellie, Linda Robertson - Relocating or ageing in place? A story of housing modifications in rural, NZ
Fiona Doolan-Noble, Jean Ross, Rhonda Johnson, Melanie Birks, Karen Francis, Jane Mills - Rural Nursing in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia: Embracing Strategic Foresight to Sustain Tomorrow’s Workforce
Jean Ross, Josie Crawley - Narrative Inquiry Insights: Rural Nurse Responses to Decades of Change
Cynthia Mullens, Michael Mullens - Learner Engagement in Community Health and Development: Islands, Isolation and Impact
Jean Ross, Diana VanderWoude, Audrey Snyder, Elizabeth Merwin, Corey Hamilton Kilgore, Lisa M. Feller - Global Rural Nursing Student Exchange: Engaging with the Chase Model and Fostering Worldview Intelligence Towards Solution-Focused Community Wellbeing
Laurie Mahoney, Jean Ross - Nurse Learners’ Educational Interaction with Communities as ‘Living Labs’ Has Proven to Impact Positively on the Sustainability of Rural Community Health-care Outcomes
Aleisha Ferris, Anja Koehler, Anna Drummond, Anna Power, Ben Rowley, Brianna Atkins, Cassie Davies, Catherine Huggins, Danielle Martin, Danni Ma, Jean Ross - Evidence-based Health Promotion for Youth, Farmers and Families of the Gore Community: A Focus on Mental Health and Family Violence
April-Lily Sule, Claudia Unkovich-McNab, Gemma Heseltine, Brittany Ruddenklau, Caitlin Ritchie, Anna Jamieson, Alyssa Gibson, Danielle Booth, Anna Askerud - Analysis of Youth Mental Health and Sustainable Tourism in Owaka, Rural Otago
Alana Fitzgerald, Ciarain Gordon, Danielle Kitto, Charlotte Ma, Aimee Mackie, Angela McKnight, Alice Restieaux, Amy Wilson, Laurie Mahoney - Mataura in Southland, New Zealand: A Sustainable Project
Angeline Bushy - Stories of nursing in rural Aotearoa: A landscape of care
Josie Crawley - Solace in ‘Place’
- Colophon