Author Guidelines
Policies & Ethics
to Art & Design
art & design 25
– Date of Publishing: 2023
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Stella Lange
- Editorial
Margo Barton,
Caroline Terpstra
- Ara Honohono: Connecting Pathways
Tracy Kennedy
- Exploring Kaupapa Māori-led Design and Fashion Practice
Simon Marcus Swale
- Whakapapa, Ancestry and Contemporary Fashion Practice
Anessa Starker
- Re:Re:Re: Supermodern Fashion – Fashion Design in the Twenty-First Century
Angela Newson
- The Influence of Reflection in my Journey as a Fashion Practitioner
Philippa Hoogsteden Casey
- Darn those Microlepidoptera!
col Fay
- Research as a Transformative Process
Bobby Campbell Luke
- Fashion Design Process: Bobby Campbell Luke
Carol Oldfield
- Fashion Design Process: Carol Oldfield
Sarah Oliver
- Fashion Design Process: Sarah Oliver
Donna Dinsdale
- Fashion Design Process: Donna Dinsdale
Kathryn A Hardy Bernal
- Fashion Design Process: Kathryn A Hardy Bernal
Leica Johnson
- Fashion Design Process: Leica Johnson
Peter Boyd,
Denise Sprynskyj
- Fashion Design Process: SIX
Natalie Smith
- iD Dunedin Fashion, 31 March –1 April 2023
Molly Marsh
- Interning at iD Fashion Week
Karin Warnaar
- Dresses and Drapery: The Material Essie Summers
Elaine Webster
- Notes on the Symposium Traditions: Observance or Departure
- colophon