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to Art & Design
art & design 20
– Date of Publishing: 2020
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Jane Venis
- Editorial:Telling Tales
Mark Braunias
- We are the Grateful Dead
Michele Beevors
- Barbara Graf, Residency July–August 2019
Barbara Graf
- Corporeal Explorations
Andrew Last,
CLINK Collective 2020
- CLINKProject6
Jane Venis,
Hannah Joynt
- Residency Report: Buinho
Caro McCaw
- Dunedin Dream Brokerage Bubbles
Tanea Paterson
- Community Arts Perspective:The iNDx Autistic Artist Exhibitions
Tom Fox
- Altered Neuro States
Emily Gordon
- Drawing the Foreboding
Bronwyn Gayle
- Toys: An Open Narrative
Gabby Malpas,
Pam McKinlay
- Lost and Found
Hayley Walmsley
- Suzie No Friends
Siau-Jiun Lim
- Human, You are Human
Debbie Fleming
- “Heavy Luggage”
Giles Panting
- Beauty, Utility and Futility: The Art of Craft and Why We Create
Stella Lange
- A Common Thread Symposium 27-29 September 2019
Udo Prinsen
- The Sun’s Trace in the Arctic ⚫⚫⚫ a pinhole camera’s diary
- Colophon